
Showing posts from 2009
Don't doubt in your abilities, follow your own faith. Others might not understand your way of faith, and you might not understand there way of faith, Therefore, we have should act and do according to our own faith. Quote: "faith is individual"
                                                                                     QUOTES: MY THOUGHTS  "The heart in its deceitfulness weakens the body; but the mind is in control of the actions."   " Every information recieved and understood, you own, for you can only own what you understand." " Every man is corrupt in his heart, but in Him, He sees the opportunity of being made perfect, no wonder we have the audacity to judge."  " Ive learned one thing many a times over, man has each his own way of walking in what he believes is right, but God shows us one way only."   "Each one on earth has a specific task given by the Creator, yet we are all born only for one Purpose." 
why is it that many young people, desire the lives of others? A young man, thought having what others have would make him happy, despising what he really wanted. He would chase after what his friends had conquered, thinking it would be good for him as well. in that way he was never happy and became very insecure, he no longer lived the life that he wanted but he lived the lives of others. my conclusions is this: having found Jesus in my personal life, i have learned to pursue after what i want, we can't lust after what others have, but we have to pursue after our own dreams and desires, for it is the will of God for you to be happy. what do you gain friend by wanting to be like others? we can learn from others, and how they pursued after their dreams and conquered them,but we can't lust after their lives. You can be whatever you want to be in life. i have learned that life doesn't make you, but we make life the way we want it to be through our decisions. what are you decid