How comfortable are you? 

Comfortability is a luxury and well deserving to a heavenly being. 

In one of Myles Manroes speeches, he said the graveyard is full of undiscovered inventions and ideas talents that were never materialized, people actually died without living a completely fulfilled life. They were never able to discover their full potential and were never able to see their true purpose of their birth. I believe we were born to become great, and we were born to discover ourselves our true selves in this world. 

The world being full of challenges and obstacles are the very things that should be keeping you on your toes, they push you to discover yourselves. I always believe that God doesn't allow anything that you can't handle. Our minds are so powerful that it can be a machine used to break through any wall (challenge). Or it can destroy us. whichever it is we choose. when you look at your life what do you see, are you comfortable or are you always itching for the next thing. we need to understand that we have a lot to live for a lot to be fighting for, financial stability, family stability, spiritual, physical... I believe when you have accomplished all that you intended to do on this earth then you can rest and be comfortable. 

and all this you can't achieve in one go but climb one mountain a time! 


  1. true that many people are loosing the value of their first love, but the thing we have to do is to keep on praying for them and also us not to lose this love.


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