How to start all over again

Its one of the most toughest things to do in life, STARTING ALL OVER!!!! I have never experienced something so hard and at times discouraging, its the moment in whereby everything you got yourself use to that one has to let go off. That means bad friends, influences of this life.. going to wrong places etc! learning is part of life and yes, sure thing i had to learn in the hard way that life without God , a life of a visionary was the way to go, thinking that you have lost Him and not caring cause one tends to think that He stopped caring and that God had so many other people to look after was in my mind. Yet one thing i forgot is that he wil leave the ninety nine behind and go after that one lost sheep, which at the end made me realise, that as much as i was thinking of Him He was thinking of me even much more and planning on how to get me back to His way .... my friend doesn't matter in what state you are at this time of your life, just remember starting all over is the best thought you ever had, but start in the right way and that is with God, deny , yes deny all that you have gotten use too, and lets follow the voice that leads us in the right path.


  1. wow i am speechless and God won't fail to make you who you want to be and what you want to achieve. Well a hard thing to really start all over, having a dream that disappear in front of your eyes, that really kills but God always hold us no matter what. A new start and life


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